Thursday 20 June 2013

7th Of June 2013

This week i completed all necesary work for my promotion module. Once my album artwork was completed i printed off my business cards and posters. I also began to create a blog that could be linked with my youtube account and also my reverberation account. The skills i had adhered through this module gave me a better understating of how to attract new fans and other artists. My artwork was also based on how i might be drawn to a certain cd, or website. I believe that the theme surrounding my web spaces inter-grate the feel of the genre i choose to compose in, this may also give an indication to any other albums i create in the future. 

Friday 7 June 2013

30th of May 2013

This week i completed my back casing of my compilation CD. The placement of the text on the spine was not fitting into the template i was given, therefore i moved the text on Photoshop to fit. I also attached a copyright symbol for safety and professionalism. Before the copyright symbol i wrote "Roofless Copyright 2013. once this was complete i cut the images with a guillotine i used a ruler in order to get a good clean fold.