Thursday 23 May 2013

23rd of May 2013

Today i was introduced to reverbnation along with other similar forms of software that can be used in order to promote my music over the internet. We discussed Twitter, Facebook, Bandcamp, Soundcloud and Reverbnation. I was given the task of choosing one of these forms of promotion to use to promote my own music. I decided to use Reverbnation as i know many people who claim this is a successful way of having your music heard, and also the opportunity of people purchasing my material.

Here is how my Reverbnation page looks minutes after joining Reverbnation;

Today i also Finished my CD album cover by making my poster fit into the page layout of a CD, without stretching the image. To do this i copied my jpeg from the poster and created a new page, from here i pasted  the image and made the size of the image more compressed and added black around the image.

Here is the outcome;

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